The JSHealth Program


  • Heal your relationship with food
  • Achieve hormonal balance
  • Cleanse your gut and liver
  • Teach you how to cook with ease
  • Reach your balanced weight
A$149 Pay $149 once off, or
$18.63 week by week



How-to cooking videos as well as tips and tricks that show you just how easy healthy cooking can be. The JSHealth program supports vegans and vegetarians. The meals in the program have vegan substitutes and recipes.


Expert advice on emotional and disordered eating to help you heal your relationship with food and to find what works best for your body.


Summarising the practical elements of each week and giving you a plan of action.


Learn to eat well for life with shopping lists, healthy food swaps, main meal and snack ideas, and alternatives to coffee and alcohol.

Food Sensitivity Note: The JSHealth Meal Plan and Recipes are predominantly gluten-free, grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free and include a vegan substitute or option.


Supporting you through each week, as you learn to live a healthy and balanced life forever.


Exclusive access to a members-only online forum, connecting you to the JSHealth community around the world.





A few months ago, when I decided to sit and write my first ever online program, I had to think very carefully about how it would work and how I could create something that would give my community a physical and emotional transformation after completing the 8 weeks.

I studied health and nutrition for 5 years and have also had experience in my own clinic as a nutritionist. I’ve seen what works. So, I felt the need to think about all the most important nutritional principles that I had learned during university and throughout clinical practice. I had to put my head down and think hard about the challenges people are facing with their health, and how I could find an easy and practical way to help them overcome these issues and feel their best again. This is easier said than done.





  • "I'm at the end of week 7 of your program and it has to be the best thing I have committed myself to in regards to my health and well being. I have always eaten well but at times just struggled with binge eating and then depriving myself; low self esteem followed and it became this pattern that I just couldn't shake. During the last 7 weeks I have felt AMAZING!”
  • "In the past I've had terrible cramping, bad mood swings, bloating and migraines for 7-10 days before my periods started. It's ALL GONE! If only I could have done the JSHealth Program 37 years ago I wouldn't have had to put up with these symptoms for so many years!"
  • "What happened during these 8 weeks is that I started believing I was actually worth something. It was such a powerful moment for me and a big eye opener."
  • "I've just finished the 8 weeks and to anyone who is starting and doubting or hesitating to be a part of the Program... DON'T! This Program has changed my life, my wellbeing and has stopped my bad weight gain spiral."
  • "I weighed myself on the start of the 8-week Program & again when I finished 2 weeks ago. In 8 weeks I lost over 2kg just by eating all the recipes in her books!”
  • "The positive outcomes from this program that I have experienced are: increased energy, clearer skin, comfortable fitting clothes, lessened PMT symptoms after experimenting with eliminating dairy (can't wait for my next cycle to see how that one is!), accepting that I am who I am and that I don't need to be perfect. I am still a work in progress but I have come so far. You Jess are a wonderful and amazing human being and I am grateful for everything that you do.”
  • "I'm at the end of Week 5 and I have lost 6kg. Which is totally unexpected because I didn't start this Program to actually lose weight (but to feel better!)."
  • "I'm feeling on top of the world this morning thanks to your Program. I'm so happy, have so much energy and am so excited to be alive! I'm on Week 7 and I can't wait to do the Program all over again! Thank you!"
  • "Since discovering your Program, my whole outlook on food, eating and life has changed. I've never been happier or more relaxed. I enjoy my food. My mind is happy. My skin is clear and glowing. I love my body!"
  • "I'm at the end of Week 5 and I have lost 6kg. Which is totally unexpected because I didn't start this Program to actually lose weight (but to feel better!)."
  • "I'm in Week 4 of the program and have already seen a huge change. I'm not thinking and stressing about food anymore but eating intuitively instead. I've also cut back the high intensity exercise and doing more yoga and walking. I think lowering my stress, even though I didn't feel stressed before, is having an impact on my body letting go of those fat reserves."
  • "I just wanted to let you know I think you've changed the way my picky kids are eating! They devoured broccoli mash, spinach and chicken for supper! That has never happened! Thank you for your brilliant recipes!"
  • "What I love most is how your Program touches on every aspect of wellbeing in such a refreshing and sustainable way. It's the best money I've ever spent and I know I will use it as my wellbeing bible forever more! I used to obsess endlessly about food and working out to the point that it was occupying way too much of my thoughts. Since starting your Program I feel so much more relaxed.”
  • "Wow I have managed to drop 8kg since following your Program! I don't crave or even think negatively about food anymore! It doesn't control me! I have never felt so happy and whole in myself."
  • “Entering this Program was the best decision of my life! I am a new person now that finally knows how to deal with stress, cravings and feelings around food. I feel healthier, happier and more energised. I no longer have this daily need to binge on food, I’ve got my whole life to eat! Thank you Jess!”
  • “I’ve just finished the 8-week Program. To whoever is just starting and doubting or hesitating to be a part of the Program – don’t. 8 weeks ago I had a feeling this Program could change my life. And I was right. Jess, you have helped to finally stop this bad weight gain spiral (caused by my Hashimoto’s). I cannot thank you enough!”
  • “I just feel so different, fresh and not bogged down with guilt because of my food choices. I am eating real food and not even thinking of bingeing or filling my body with processed crap. My skin is brighter, I feel lighter and I’m sleeping more soundly!”
  • “No guilt! I no longer go to gruelling PT sessions to feel inferior to my PT! I feel like things are changing for the better! I’ve never felt like this and I am so excited for what is to come. For once, I am starting to feel content and am happy. I cannot thank you enough Jess”



Uncover the links between energy, hormonal balance, food, exercise and sleep.

Learn to balance your blood sugar levels for increased energy, improved concentration and reduced cravings.

Stress Management

Understand how stress affects the body and why it’s standing in the way of your health.

Steps to stress-free eating for better digestion.


How to heal a complex relationship with food and make peace with your body for a healthy weight.

How to transition from dieter to mindful eater.

Routines & rituals

JSHealth Daily Essentials, from which you can pick and choose your favourite rituals to create your own morning & evening routine.

Why I believe we should be exercising smarter and not harder, and how to exercise the JSHealth Way.

Cleanse & repair

Why healing your gut is the key to good health, and how to repair it.

The JSHealth 3 Day Reboot Cleanse, which will gently take the pressure off your liver, our primary cleansing organ, which assists in improving skin, digestion, and relief from bloating & constipation.

Let go of the numbers

Weekly #loveyourbody exercise to ditch the scales and calorie-counting forever.

Simple tutorials which teach you to cook nutritionally-balanced meals & delicious alternatives to traditional favourites which even the fussiest eaters will love.


  • Do you find yourself obsessed with numbers, calorie counting and scale watching?
  • Does the number on the scale determine your self-worth?
  • Are you tempted by every new diet trend, but haven’t been able to maintain the results?
  • Are you restricting your food intake, only to end up bingeing?
  • Are you stressed and feeling disconnected from your body?
  • Are you confused and overwhelmed by all the health information out there?
  • Does food often make you anxious?
  • Do you feel like you don't even know where to begin with your health journey?
  • Do you feel you are too time poor to make healthy dishes?

By signing up to this program, you’ve taken a huge leap in the right direction for your health, happiness and wellbeing.


The JSHealth Program is for anyone who’s ever struggled to find balance with food and their weight. It’s for those who have tried dieting to no avail, and those who have gotten caught up in the toxic cycle of stress and emotional eating. It’s also for people who are doing all the ‘right’ things, but not seeing a difference.

Lastly, The JSHealth Program is ideal for anyone who wants to embrace healthy living – whether they’ve dipped their toes into the health world or not. In other words, it’s great for beginners as well as the already health-conscious – because we all have to start somewhere.


What’s to Come:

INTRO Your new healthy lifestyle starts here
PREP Prep for success
WEEK 1 The art of stressing less
WEEK 2 Reset & respect your body – sleep & blood sugar control
WEEK 3 Finding balance - with food, weight & your lifestyle
WEEK 4 Heal Your Gut & Learn to be Mindful
WEEK 5 Boost your energy & banish bingeing & emotional eating
WEEK 6 Cleanse your mind, body & life
WEEK 7 Hormones, healthy habits & rituals
WEEK 8 How to live the healthy life for life – putting it all together
GOODBYE A goodbye from jess

#TheJSHealthProgram #JSHealthGirls

How Does It Work?

The JSHealth Program will be released on February 12th 2017, but you can sign up and start The JSHealth Program anytime after that, from anywhere in the world. It is not run in 'rounds' as we wanted to ensure that no-one would be limited to doing it if that specific date didn't suit them! We have also created an online forum, where you can chat to other participants on your specific week so you never feel alone on your journey.

  • You can sign up on any day of the week and receive access to Pre-Program ('Prep') content.
  • This 'Prep' content will prepare your kitchen, pantry and mindset for The JSHealth Program.
  • You will then receive the content for Week 1 on the next Sunday after you sign up.
  • On each following Sunday for the duration of the 8-week program, we unlock the content, videos, recipes for the week ahead to keep you steadily on track!


Every week hones in on a different health topic in relation to each
of these four pillars:

Eating with balance

Removing anxiety, fear and stress around eating for a healthier relationship with food.

Heal your body

Nutritional principles that teach you how your body works so you can heal it in an holistic way.


Movement, mindset and rituals with balance in mind, to help you put everything into practice.

Intuitive cooking

Fuss-free, quick and delicious recipes and cooking tips.


This program is designed to help you to reach your best and most balanced weight.

Weight loss is a result of a healthy life.

Week 3 goes in-depth into reaching your balanced weight, but the principles in each week focus on restoring your entire body, which will in turn allow it to reach its optimal weight. For example, gut health, sleep, stress, thyroid health and blood sugar balance are directly linked to weight loss.On the other hand, dieting makes weight loss much more difficult in the long-term, which is why I do not advocate it.

Instead, I focus on helping you to figure out an eating plan that suits your individual needs. And if you are underweight, the program will help you to connect to your body again and build a healthier relationship with food.

This program is catered for people who are wanting to embrace a healthy life and find a balanced weight, but it also does hone in on having a good relationship with food by addressing emotional eating, binge eating, overeating and having a complex relationship with food.

Pillar 4 in the program focuses on eating with balance which helps you to build a healthy emotional relationship with food. It does touch on disordered eating, but in no way is this program designed to treat someone with a diagnosed eating disorder. If you have an eating disorder, I encourage you to see a psychologist and seek guidance from a medical professional.


  • Be on the path to reaching optimal health
  • Be on your way to healing your relationship with food and your body
  • Feel at ease and at peace with your body
  • Have a restorative and energising sleep each night
  • Be able to eat foods with moderation, without bingeing or overeating
  • Find your balanced weight, one you can maintain in the long-term
  • Feel less guilt, fear and anxiety around food




When you sign up to our 8-week online program, you get access to amazing deals and discounts with products
and companies that will help you to live a healthier life.




My first book, The Healthy Life, was a summary of all that I learnt during nutrition school. It contains my 10 principles that helped me personally to heal my body and live a healthier life. The recipes in my first book are the ones I first discovered when I turned from a fad dieter to a whole food eater.

The second book, Living the Healthy Life, contains the powerful and in-depth content to help you achieve a healthier life and body – whereas The JSHealth Program will practically teach you how to implement my principles. The book is what you can refer to at all times for further explanation.

The JSHealth Program contains videos that will teach you HOW to cook quick and wholesome recipes, instead of just giving you the recipes on their own and will guide you from A-Z on how to live the healthy life. It contains cooking videos, interactive exercises, movement tips, lifestyle videos, personal anecdotes, lifestyle planners, shopping lists and much more. The books are not 100% necessary in doing the JSHealth Program, but they act as a great resource to support your journey further.


  • What is the difference between 'The JSHealth Program' and ‘The Healthy Life’ (Book 1) & ‘Living the Healthy Life’ (Book 2)?

    My first book, The Healthy Life, was a summary of all that I learnt during nutrition school. It contains my 10 principles that helped me personally to heal my body and live a healthier life. The recipes in my first book are the ones I first discovered when I turned from a fad dieter to a whole food eater.

    The second book, Living the Healthy Life, contains the powerful and in-depth content to help you achieve a healthier life and body – whereas 'The JSHealth Program' will practically teach you how to implement my principles. The book is what you can refer to at all times for further explanation. Living the Healthy Life also focuses on healing your relationship with food and finding balance with food. I talk about how to quit fad dieting forever, and give ourselves the freedom to stop feeling guilty about food. It contains heart-felt personal anecdotes of my own health challenges and very much focuses on how to have a healthier relationship with food; it hones in on disordered eating and orthorexia, which I believe is the next big health challenge we will face. Orthorexia is a fear of eating anything but healthy food, and when someone becomes obsessive and restrictive with healthy food and eating – to the point of imbalance.

    'The JSHealth Program' contains videos that will teach you HOW to cook quick and wholesome recipes, instead of just giving you the recipes on their own and will guide you from A-Z on how to live the healthy life. It contains cooking videos, interactive exercises, movement tips, lifestyle videos, personal anecdotes, lifestyle planners, shopping lists and much more. While there are some recipes in the program, my second book (Living The Healthy Life) is what should be used alongside the program for recipe support/meal ideas.

  • What do I get as a member of ‘The JSHealth Program’?

    By joining ‘The JSHealth Program’ you will receive access to:

    • Over 60 Resource PDFs, which you can either view online or download and print, that provide you with additional information to support you; including, shopping lists, healthy food swaps and main meal and snack ideas, and alternatives to coffee and alcohol
    • 20+ videos from Jess, supporting you through each week as you learn to live a healthy and balanced life forever
    • How-to’ cooking videos, trips and tricks which show you how easy healthy cooking should be.
    • Expert advice on emotional and disordered eating to help you heal your relationship with food and find what works best for your body.
    • 8 weekly lifestyle planners which summarise your week’s plan of action
    • Exclusive access to the JSHealth community online forum, connecting you to #jshealthgirls from around the world, so you never feel alone

    In addition to this, each week of The JSHealth Program focuses on a specific area of health:

    The 8 week focuses are:

    • Week 1 – The Art of Stressing Less
    • Week 2 – Rest & Respect Your Body – Sleep & Blood Sugar Control
    • Week 3 – Hormones, Healthy Habits & Rituals
    • Week 4 – Heal your Gut & Ditch the Guilt
    • Week 5 – Boost your Energy & Banish Emotional Eating
    • Week 6 – Cleanse your Mind, Body & Life
    • Week 7 – Finding Balance – with Food, Weight & Your Lifestyle
    • Week 8 – How to Live the Healthy Life For Life – Putting it all together
  • Is ‘The JSHealth Program’ run from a specific start date for a set 8-weeks, or can I start when it suits me?

    The JSHealth Program will be released on February 12th 2017, but you can sign up and start The JSHealth Program any time after that, from anywhere in the world. It is not run in 'rounds' as we wanted to ensure that no-one would be limited to doing it if that specific date didn't suit them! We have also created an online forum, where you can chat to other participants on your specific week so you never feel alone on your journey.

  • How do I join ‘The JSHealth Program’?
    • You can sign up via the ‘Join Now’ or ‘Sign Up’ link above on any day of the week, and receive immediate access to Pre-Program ('Prep') content.
    • This 'Prep' content will prepare you kitchen, pantry and mindset for The JSHealth Program.
    • You will then receive the content for Week 1 on the next Sunday after you sign up.
    • On each following Sunday for the duration of the 8-week program, we unlock the content, videos, recipes for the week ahead to keep you steadily on track!
  • Can I share a membership?

    ‘The JSHealth Program’ is designed for you only – each membership gives you your personal account to the JSHealth Online Forum, where you can interact with all the other members of ‘The JSHealth Program’ around the world.

    As a member, you will also have your own personal journal and e-notepad built into The JSHealth Program, with weekly reflection questions from Jess to help you record your progress and track your mindset over the course of the 8 weeks.

  • I don’t cook my own meals, can I still follow ‘The JSHealth Program’?

    The JSHealth Program doesn't come with daily recipes or specific meal plans (although there are plenty of meal guides/ideas). The recipes are more tutorials around how to prepare meals, roast vegetables, tips and tricks for cooking fish/proteins, why to eat certain foods (proteins/fats to keep you satiated etc.).

    The ‘8 Week Meal Plan’ in The JSHealth Program gives four options for each meal, so there’s lots of variety. The meals are simple enough that anyone could easily create them. However, we encourage you to cook as much as you can to get the most out of The JSHealth Program.

    In fact, recipes are only really a quarter of the content, as The JSHealth Program also covers lifestyle, nutrition and content on having a healthy & balanced relationship with food, exercise and our bodies.

  • I also cook for my partner/other members of my family, can I still follow ‘The JSHealth Program’? Are the meals suitable for them?

    Yes, the meals are still suitable and I provide healthy alternatives to your family’s favourite meals. My suggestion is to encourage family members to join you and show them how delicious healthy food can be. The meal plan is simple enough that you won’t find it hard to incorporate into your family meal time.

  • Can I do ‘The JSHealth Program’ if I’m vegetarian/vegan/paleo/lactose-intolerant/paleo?

    Yes, you can. I offer vegan & vegetarian swaps for each of the main meal options. Most meals are gluten-free, grain-free and dairy-free.

  • How much support will I get on ‘The JSHealth Program’?

    As much as you need. You will have direct access to a support email address, where you can ask any questions at anytime. You will also be a part of an exclusive, members-only live forum; where you can chat to other people going through the weeks with you, so you feel supported.

  • Can you lose weight on The JSHealth Program?

    This program is designed to help you to reach your best and most balanced weight. This is the formula I would prescribe to clients in my clinic, where I got amazing results.

    I believe weight loss is a result of a healthy life. Week 7 goes in-depth into reaching your balanced weight, but the principles in each week focus on restoring your entire body, which will in turn allow it to reach its optimal weight. For example, gut health, sleep, stress, thyroid health and blood sugar balance are directly linked to weight loss. On the other hand, dieting makes weight loss much more difficult in the long-term, which is why I do not advocate it and why this program helps you give up diets for life.. Instead, I focus on helping you to eat in a way that works best for your body. And, if you are underweight, The JSHealth Program will help you to connect to your body again and to build a healthier relationship with food.

  • Can I do The JSHealth Program if I am pregnant?

    It is recommended that you seek permission and guidance from your health care practitioner before starting any new diet or exercise regime, including 'The JSHealth Program'.

  • Can I do The JSHealth Program if I work full-time?

    Yes, absolutely. This program is designed to show you how quick and easy healthy living can (and should!) be. The ‘8 week meal plan’ will allow you to have different options that will suit your schedule. I give lots of tips and tricks for the busy bees.

  • After the 8 weeks is up - do we lose access to all the content?

    Absolutely not. You can keep it for life. My goal is that you can keep referring back to it at all times and do it as often as you need.

  • Can I do the program if I travel often? As someone who is a frequent traveller…

    As someone who is a frequent traveler for work, I have had you in my mind whilst writing the program. The meal plan and eating guide can be followed from anywhere. I have added a few options underneath each meal time as well as ‘on the go’ tips and meal options. I have also included a Travel Tips document into the General Resources section, which will assist you while you're travelling; it includes all the things I do personally whilst travelling.

  • Can I drink coffee and alcohol during the 8 weeks?

    Exciting news! Yes you can! I just teach you how to enjoy them moderately and with balance to achieve your best body and life.

Are you ready to become happier and healthier?


A$149 Pay $149 once off, or
$18.63 week by week


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